Event Details
Event Title SouthernMix Gallery Opening
Location Carolina Union Gallery
Sponsor Asian American Center
Date/Time 01/18/2025 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Marcus Donie donid@unc.edu
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We are pleased to announce that Southern Mix (https://southernmix.sites.unc.edu/), a collection of Asian and Asian American voices in the U.S. south, will be displayed in the Carolina Union art gallery from January 7th to the 24th.

The reschduled opening event will take place on Saturday, January 18th from 11am-1pm. There will be activities and prizes for participants. Fun for all ages!

Dress code will be Swanky Casual (a step below business casual); please feel free to don cultural attire!

Registration required: go.unc.edu/SouthernMix

The Carolina Union is located at 209 South Road in Chapel Hill, NC 27599 and parking on campus is free during weekends.

This Event is Free & Open to the Public.