Event Details
Event Title The Impacts of AI in Europe vs the USA
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Sponsor World View
Date/Time 02/07/2025 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Audrey Bristol abristol@unc.edu
The 4th annual Scholar of Global Distinction student and educator program will feature a talk from UNC Professor Tori Ekstrand. Professor Ekstrand will explore the evolving landscape of AI in Europe and the USA, highlighting key differences in their approaches to AI development, regulation, and societal impact. Attendees will gain insights into the unique challenges and opportunities that AI presents on both continents and how these differences could influence global AI leadership and collaboration. Scholar of Global Distinction students will have an opportunity to earn 4 hours towards the 8-hour international activity requirement of the Scholar of Global Distinction program. The program is open to Scholar of Global Distinction students and educators.

Sponsored by: Center for European Studies