Event Details
Event Title It Takes a Network: Developing Your Mentoring Network
Location Wilson Library 304
Sponsor Center for Faculty Excellence
Date/Time 12/04/2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Taylor Dockery taylordd@unc.edu
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Finding the perfect mentor can be challenging. Research increasingly points to the value of creating a network of mentors that can provide comprehensive support for faculty. But where to begin?

In this interactive Professional Development Workshop for Early-Career Faculty, participants will reflect on different roles mentors play, determine mentoring/support needs, and identify potential mentors, sponsors, and other supports. Participants will also create a map for a mentoring network and list steps to take to engage mentors and other supports. Lunch will be provided for this session.

Early-career faculty, fixed-term and tenure-track, are welcome to attend. We especially encourage early-career faculty participants from our Peer Mentoring Circles program to attend.

This workshop builds on a previous workshop, Mentoring Up: Optimizing Mentoring Relationships, although attending the previous workshop is not required to attendance It Takes a Network.

The workshop is sponsored by the Center for Faculty Excellence. To learn more about the CFE, visit https://cfe.unc.edu