Event Details
Event Title Industry Skills Session 3 | Leadership & Teamwork
Location Bondurant Hall G-100
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS) - Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Date/Time 10/16/2024 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Patrick Brandt pdbrandt@email.unc.edu
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Leadership and teamwork can take on different meanings for professionals in academia versus industry. Developing leadership qualities that align with the motivations and priorities of life science companies is crucial for success in industry. Many new industry hires, particularly those with extensive academic experience, often find that understanding the structure and dynamics of industry teams—and how individuals collaborate and rely on each other—is something they wished they had grasped earlier. This session will focus on how effective teamwork can drive innovation, meet project goals, and support professional growth. You'll gain insights into managing cross-functional teams, balancing diverse perspectives, and maintaining a results-driven focus in the fast-paced, competitive landscape of a life science company.

Speakers include Dr. Bob Black, CEO of Scion Neurostim, who has worked in academia, industry, and government research teams during a succesful career spanning mutiple decades.