Event Details
Event Title XV annual conference of the Russian American Science Association (RASA)
Location FedEx Global Education Center, 301 Pittsboro Street Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Sponsor UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Date 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jubina Bregu jbregu@unc.edu
Session Status Session Session Date Start Time End Time Cutoff
Registering Speaker - In Person and Zoom 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024 11/15/2024
Registering Speaker - In Person 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024 11/15/2024
Registering Speaker - Zoom 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024 11/15/2024
Registering Attendee - In Person and Zoom 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024 11/15/2024
Registering Attendee - In Person 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024 11/15/2024
Registering Attendee - Zoom 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024 11/15/2024
Dear colleagues, Dear Friends!

The XV annual conference of the Russian American Science Association (RASA) will take place on November 16-17, 2024, at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC and will be dedicated to the 130th anniversary of physicist and Nobel laureate Pyotr Kapitsa.

The conference will feature scientific presentations of established and young scientists from the different countries and regions across the world. The speakers at the scientific sessions and round table discussions will represent diverse scientific areas, including – physics, chemistry, biology, economics, social sciences, humanities, literature and others. During the literature session, we will celebrate the 225th anniversary of the renowned Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. Traditionally, the conference provides a great opportunity for meetings and discussions among scientists, science facilitators, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

We would like to invite you to participate in this conference which will be held in-person as well as virtually. Accommodations are possible at nearby hotels with discounted price for participants. Additional information will be provided on our website rasa-usa.org, the RASA groups on Facebook and Telegram channels.

Looking forward to a great meeting!

Organizing Committee

Conference program:

FedEx Global Education Center located at 301 Pittsboro Street Chapel Hill, NC 27516, UNC Chapel Hill

Hotel Accommodations:
If you are a Speaker, please contact Jubina via email at jbregu@unc.edu regarding hotel reservations.
If you are an attendee, please book your hotel. Recommended Hotel(s) will be provided on RASA website. 

Travel awards for US-based graduate students and junior scientists:
The UNC Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies @UNC_CSEEES has allocated a portion of their NRC federal grant funds to provide support for two travel grants to graduate students and early career scientists to attend the upcoming 2024 RASA Conference at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, November 16-17. To apply for a grant (by the September 30 deadline) please follow this link: https://cseees.unc.edu/cfa-cseees-rasa-travel-grants/ RASA will do its best to supplement these awards to provide support for additional participants.