Event Details
Event Title 8-Week Mindfulness Foundational Course for Stress Management and Life Enhancement, with Paula Huffman, BS, RN, ERYT
Location Online via Zoom
Sponsor UNC Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Program on Integrative Medicine Mindfulness Center
Date/Time 09/24/2024 - 11/05/2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Price
Cutoff Date 10/01/2024 Must register before this date
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jeannie Cox jeanniec@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Paula Huffman, BS, RN, ERYT Mindfulness Instructor, Adjunct Instructor Dept. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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8-Week Mindfulness Foundational Course for Stress Management & Life Enhancement, with Paula Huffman, BS, RN, ERYT

Hosted by the Mindfulness Center at UNC Program on Integrative Medicine

Tuesday evenings, September 24 through November12, 2024, via Zoom from 6-8 PM EST.
Please note that we will discuss as a group a make up day for Nov 5th, Election Day. 

The UNC Mindfulness-based Program for Stress and Pain Management offers meditation and mind-body awareness training that will teach you to slow down, set priorities, and stay calm, focused, and relaxed during a busy life. These practices can enhance your body's natural adaptive healing ability and help to cultivate clarity and insight.

This evidence-based program is structured on the model developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn and the Center for Mindfulness at UMASS, considered internationally as the "gold standard" in Mindfulness courses. The curriculum has been widely researched, with positive outcomes for many physical and psychological issues. Mindfulness is 'the awareness that arises from paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.

Participation in this course will provide you with methods that can help you learn how to slow down, step out of autopilot, slow the ruminating mind, and connect to daily life with increased awareness and insight.

This 8-week course is suitable for beginners and those with a regular Mindfulness practice. It is an educational program, and your instructor is committed to and skilled at creating a safe, supportive, and deeply engaging learning environment.

Some of what you will learn in this 8-week program

·       What is Mindfulness
·       Mindfulness of the Breath and Body (Body Scan, Seated Meditation, Yoga, Walking Meditation)
·       Changing Unskillful Patterns of Stress Reactivity
·       Developing Compassion for Self and Others (Loving Kindness Meditation)
·       Bringing Mindfulness into Everyday Life
·       Keeping your Practices Alive

Included in your Course

·       Course Reading Material and Homework Assignments
·       Guided Meditation Recordings
·       On-Line access to the Instructor for Guidance throughout the Course
·       A Full Day Outdoor Mindfulness Retreat at Camp New Hope Conference Center in Chapel Hill

Research shows that practicing Mindfulness regularly can help to mitigate the effects of the following: 

·       Work, Family, and Financial Stress
·       Chronic Illness and Pain
·       Auto-Immune Disorders
·       GI Distress
·       Headaches
·       High Blood Pressure
·       PTSD
·       Anxiety and Panic Attacks
·       Sleep Problems
·       Mild Depression

$375 General Public | $350 UNC Affiliates | $100 off for repeat participants


Before the start of the first class, a full refund minus a $75.00 handling fee

NOTE:  If you have any of the following issues listed below that would present additional challenges in taking the class, please email mindfulness@med.unc.edu to speak with an instructor before registering for the course.

Please visit our website, www.pim.med.unc.edu

FACEBOOK: @UNCPIM   https://www.facebook.com/UNCpim/

Twitter: @UNC Mindfulness    https://twitter.com/UNC_PIM

For more information, email mindfulness@med.unc.edu