Event Details
Event Title Beyond the Bench Seminar with Myers Bigel
Location Zoom (link in confirmation email)
Sponsor Graduate Business & Consulting Club
Date/Time 03/06/2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Yogitha Chareddy yogitha@live.unc.edu
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Interested in learning more about intellectual property protection and the different careers in patent law? Curious about what patent law careers are possible for PhDs?

Join us to hear from Myers Bigel team members as they discuss their career journeys from PhD to patent attorney, patent examiner, patent agent, and specialist. We'll learn about the crucial roles played by members of the intellectual property field, how our speakers prepared to transition into these roles, as well as the roles and responsibilities that their jobs entail.

The seminar will include a Q&A session with our panel of experts and is a great opportunity to network and gain insight from local patent law professionals.

Myers Bigel is an intellectual property firm with an emphasis on patent law and is the largest independent patent law firm in North Carolina.

Please contact Whitney Bell at wjbell@live.unc.edu with any questions.