Event Details
Event Title Real World Application of Evidence-Based Practices for Student Outcomes: Certification in the National Professional Development on Autism Model
Location Online
Sponsor FPG CDI
Date/Time 08/06/2024 - 08/07/2024 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Price
Cutoff Date 08/04/2024 Must register before this date
For more information, contact the event administrator: Barbara Lowery barbara.lowery@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Ann Sam, Becky Dees
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In this interactive two-day training, participants will learn how the National Professional Development Center on Autism (NPDC) model supports program quality, use of evidence-based practices, and goal attainment for autistic students in preschool through high school settings.

This online training is designed for professionals who work with autistic students across school ages. The information shared is relevant for early career and experienced teachers, related service providers, paraeducators, coaches/technical assistance providers, and administrators. The strategies discussed can be used in both inclusive and separate settings.

This two-day virtual training will include information on:
1. the NPDC model
2. program quality for autistic students,
3. selecting and scaling goals to monitor student progress (Goal Attainment Scaling),
4. understanding and selecting evidence-based practices to address a goal,
5. implementing foundational evidence-based practices to address key areas of need for autistic students (e.g., independence and adaptive skills, social-communication needs, school readiness and academics, and interfering behaviors)
6. developing an action plan to enhance quality and the use of evidence-based practices in their setting
Training will include both didactic instruction and small group discussion. Participants must leave cameras on and complete a brief survey to obtain CEUs and a Certification in the NPDC Model.


Highly recommended:

Participants from the same district or organizations are encouraged to sign up for the same training to enhance the small group discussions and action planning. However, individuals are welcome to sign up on their own.

NOTICE: The registration fee for this online training is NON-REFUNDABLE.

Have your credit card (VISA, MasterCard or Discovery Card only) information on hand before you continue with this registration. By check is also accepted.