Event Details
Event Title Co-Creating Community Centered Solutions: Testing New Ideas Early and Often
Location The Innovation Junction, 136 E. Rosemary St., Room 050
Sponsor Carolina Center for Public Service - Design and Innovation for the Public Good
Date/Time 02/27/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Macy Green macyag@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Bill Romani Director, Design and Innovation for the Public Good
Liz Chen Design Thinking Lead, Innovate Carolina
Aashka Dave Design Thinking and Innovation Fellow
Kyle McQuillan Design Thinking and Innovation Fellow
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Human-centered design is an essential tool that ensures that community partners play a key role in generating and testing the innovative ideas that lead to desirable, feasible and viable solutions to their most pressing problems. During this hands-on workshop participants will learn the basics of the IDEO design thinking model and how it has been applied to reimagine a proactive, strengths-based approach to connecting mothers and their infant children to the resources that they need most.  The introduction will serve as an inspiration for participants to practice small group rapid prototyping techniques that similar communities might use to generate fast, lower-risk feedback on their ideas and solutions. These techniques will have value to students, faculty, or staff interested in engaging communities to create strengths based human-centered solutions and policies.

A Carolina Engagement Week Event
Carolina Engagement Week is your chance to explore the impact of community-driven partnerships powered by state and local community leaders and Carolina researchers. By attending one or more sessions, you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of the methods and collaborative approaches that are working effectively throughout different parts of North Carolina. You can also identify new opportunities to engage in community initiatives around the state designed to create social and economic impact.