Event Details
Event Title UNC Rural: Building Strong Rural Community-Campus Partnerships
Location Zoom
Sponsor Carolina Center for Public Service
Date/Time 02/26/2024 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Macy Green macyag@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Dr. Jada Brooks Co-Director, UNC Rural
Angella Dunston Community Leader, Warren Environmental Action Team
Al Richmond Executive Director, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
Adam Sotak Associate Director, UNC Rural
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UNC Rural, created in 2019 and housed in the UNC Office of the Provost, aims to provide resources that help build and strengthen community-campus partnerships throughout North Carolina. This virtual panel discussion will provide background on UNC Rural’s current work and also focus on the tenets of effective community-campus partnership through the perspective of community-based partners, nonprofits and academics. Community leaders, nonprofits, students and UNC faculty and staff all benefit when community-campus partnerships are strengthened and supported, especially in rural areas which may have been historically underrepresented.

A Carolina Engagement Week Event
Carolina Engagement Week is your chance to explore the impact of community-driven partnerships powered by state and local community leaders and Carolina researchers. By attending one or more sessions, you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of the methods and collaborative approaches that are working effectively throughout different parts of North Carolina. You can also identify new opportunities to engage in community initiatives around the state designed to create social and economic impact.