Event Details
Event Title Kathleen Sutcliffe - Staying the Course: Resilience Insights From Adventure Racing
Location Kenan Center 204
Sponsor Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise
Date/Time 03/07/2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Spencer Miller spencermiller@unc.edu
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Please join us for “Staying the Course: Resilience Insights from Adventure Racing,” a talk by Kenan Institute Distinguished Fellow Kathleen Sutcliffe, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins University.

The hourlong event will take place at 12:30 p.m. EST Thursday, March 7, in Kenan Center Room 204.

Sutcliffe, whose appointments at Johns Hopkins include in the Carey Business School, will highlight the state of knowledge about resilience, as well as some basic steps each of us can take to enable it, drawing together multiple sources of research that include a recent study of adventure racing. Adventure racing, also known as expedition racing, is a multidisciplinary sport in which teams navigate – by foot, mountain bike and canoe or kayak – over an unmarked wilderness course, often for several days without rest. It’s a context where adversity and uncertainty are ongoing, where resilient organizing is required for success, and where the microdynamics of that process can be explored in more detail. The findings provide insight into not only what keeps organizations and their members on course during uncertainty but also what keeps them moving through adversity.

The Distinguished Fellows comprise an exemplary set of global scholars committed to leveraging their individual expertise, thought leadership, research and networks to further the institute’s efforts to examine and drive solutions to issues facing business and the economy today. This year’s class will support the 2024 Kenan Institute Grand Challenge, an exploration of business resilience in a time of risk and uncertainty.

The event is free and open to the public but registration is required, as lunch will be provided for all attendees.





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