Event Details
Event Title It Takes a Network: Developing Your Mentoring Network
Location Wilson Library Room 304
Sponsor Center for Faculty Excellence
Date/Time 02/01/2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Timothy Smith timsmith@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Erin Malloy Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Success, Office of the Provost Director, Center for Faculty Excellence
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It Takes a Network: Developing Your Mentoring Network

Finding the perfect mentor can be challenging. Research increasingly points to the value of creating a network of mentors that can provide comprehensive support for faculty. But where to begin?

In this interactive workshop, participants will determine mentoring/support needs and identify potential mentors, sponsors, and other supports. Participants will also create a map for a mentoring network and list steps to take to engage mentors and other supports.

Early-career faculty, fixed-term and tenure-track, are welcome to attend. We especially encourage early-career faculty participants from our TEAM ADVANCE Peer Mentoring Circles program to attend.

This session will be held in person in room 304 in the Wilson Library. Lunch will be provided. All registrants will receive an Outlook calendar invite confirming your place in the workshop and directions for finding room 304 in the Wilson Library.

The workshop is sponsored by Targeting Equity in Access to Mentoring (TEAM) ADVANCE and the Center for Faculty Excellence. To learn more about TEAM ADVANCE, visit https://cfe.unc.edu/team-advance/. To learn more about the Center for Faculty Excellence, visit https://cfe.unc.edu/.