Event Details
Event Title Workshop: Integrating Exposures Data into Clinical Data Assets: Building a Regional Center of Excellence
Location RENCI (100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill)
Sponsor RENCI
Date/Time 02/23/2024 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Event Price
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jessica Natonick jnatonick@renci.org
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Ashok Krishnamurthy Director RENCI
Karamarie Fecho RENCI
Charles Schmitt NIH / NIEHS
Kyle Messier NIH / NIEHS
Emily Pfaff UNC
Cavin Ward-Caviness US EPA
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Building off the success of the inaugural Clinical and Environmental Health Data Workshop, this second workshop, titled “Integrating Exposures Data into Clinical Data Assets: Building a Regional Center of Excellence” will be held at RENCI from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Friday, February 23, 2024. This invitation-only event aims to convene participants from the first workshop and enhance the collective workshop expertise with additional regional participants with like-minded interests and expertise in order to continue the effort initiated during the first workshop on developing solutions for: developing and applying exposures models to clinical data; building the infrastructure required to create a regional, centralized, exposures data hub; and making electronic health record data more readily interoperable with environmental exposures data. After a re-introduction of the inaugural workshop and its successes, a vision for this workshop will be presented, followed by parallel breakout sessions to build on previous successes and further advance the collaborative vision of this workshop series. A complete agenda will be distributed prior to the workshop.The overall goal of the workshop series is to move toward a vision for regional leadership in clinical and environmental health research by establishing a Regional Center of Excellence, accounting for the needs of local communities and stakeholders.