This workshop is the third in the
Introduction to Bioinformatics Basics series of six linked workshops. It serves as a prerequisite for workshops that follow it in the series.
Prerequisites for this workshop are:-
the six workshops in the Introduction to the UNIX Shell sequence- Intro to Bioinformatics Basics: Quality Control and Trimming
- Intro to Bioinformatics Basics: Aligning Reads
For workshop details including important account requirements and workshop prerequisites, please visit: NOTE: If you were not able to participate in the prerequisite workshop above, you can complete these prerequisite requirements on your own
by reviewing a past recording of the prerequisite session at the Basic Bioinformatics Tools (BBT) Workshops site on UNC Sakai.
Go to UNC Sakai ( and login with your ONYEN. Once logged in, go to the BBT Workshops site ( and select to join the site.
(Basic Bioinformatics Tools Workshop Series)