Event Details
Event Title Storytelling Framework for Career Exploration
Location Zoom
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 11/02/2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Vanessa Doriott Anderson vkda@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Vanessa Doriott Anderson Assistant Dean for Academic and Career Development
Laura Kuizin Director of MAPS
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In this “Tell Me About Yourself” workshop, career explorers deepen their exploration of self and of future opportunities through the process of discovering and telling stories. Through this storytelling framework, participants engage in a multi-step process of collecting, choosing, and crafting the stories most relevant to their professional identity, in order to surface insights about their past experiences, as well as patterns in their skills, interests, and values that can inform their future career choices. By identifying and exchanging stories, participants articulate transferable skills, practice verbal communication to improve informational interviewing experiences, and expand their imagination of what’s possible by listening to the stories of others.

The Graduate School is offering this workshop as one of pd|hub's inaugural implementation sites. Learn more about the Storytelling model.