Event Details
Event Title Qualitative Research 101
Location Zoom
Sponsor NC TraCS (Translational and Clinical Sciences) Institute: NIH CTSA at UNC-CH
Date/Time 09/07/2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jennifer Scott jennifer_scott@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
MaryBeth Grewe, MPH Engagement and Qualitative Research Specialist, NC TraCS Institute
Simone Frank, MPH Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist, NC TraCS Institute
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This online training session will provide an introduction to qualitative research methods. Topics covered will include differences between quantitative and qualitative research, qualitative research methodologies, strategies for qualitative data collection, and methods of qualitative data analysis. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences conducting qualitative research.

MaryBeth Grewe, MPH
Engagement and Qualitative Research Specialist
NC TraCS Institute

Simone Frank, MPH
Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist
NC TraCS Institute

**This event may be recorded. Materials such as slides or handouts will be shared with documented attendees only. Please help us accurately document attendance by using your full name in your Zoom window. Your name can be edited in the participant panel during the session.**