Event Details
Event Title Developing Your K99/R00 and CASI: A Guide for Postdocs
Location Virtual
Sponsor Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Date/Time 07/11/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Alan Marsh alan2005@email.unc.edu
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Postdocs often seek awards providing independent funding and financial support to facilitate the transition to faculty. The Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) from NIH is a competitive award that supports exceptional postdoctoral researchers in completing the final years of their postdoctoral work and transitioning to a role as an independent scientist. Career Awards at the Scientific Interface (CASI) offered by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF; headquartered in Durham) presents an alternative path to securing an award that will facilitate this transition. CASI provides $500,000 over five years to bridge advanced postdoctoral training and the first three years of faculty service. Both awards are open to non-US citizens. In this webinar, Dr. Collins will give an overview of the K99/R00 and CASI programs and provide some tips for thinking about when to apply, which center to apply to, broad tips on specific aims & other aspects as well as comparing and contrasting the K99/R00 and the CASI award, showcasing reviewer comments on each.

Tammy Collins, Ph.D., recently joined the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF), a nonprofit philanthropic organization whose mission is to nurture a diverse group of leaders in biomedical sciences to improve human health. At BWF, Collins serves as a program officer where she directs the Career Awards at the Scientific Interface (CASI) program and the Innovations in Regulatory Science Awards (IRSA). Prior to joining BWF, she was the director of the Office of Fellows’ Career Development at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).