Event Details
Event Title Interpersonal and Communication Skills Programs with Dr. Irina Filonova
Location MEJ 3112, MEJ 3112, & Marsico 5004
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS) - Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA), Diversity and Student Success (DSS), & Science Writing & Communication Club (SWAC )
Date/Time 05/10/2023
For more information, contact the event administrator: Beka Layton rlayton@med.unc.edu
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Session Status Session Session Date Start Time End Time Cutoff
Expired Communication across borders (Co-Sponsored by SWAC, GPB, DSS, OPA) 05/10/2023 10:00 AM 11:00 PM none
Expired Leadership Luncheon: Interpersonal Skills for Scientists (Co-Sponsored by OPA) 05/10/2023 12:00 PM 1:00 PM none
Expired People Skills 101 - The Scientist Edition (Co-sponsored by GPB, SBBS, WinS, SACNAS, STEM Pride, & OPA) 05/10/2023 2:00 PM 3:30 PM none

Interpersonal and Communication Skills with Dr. Irina Filonova

Communicating clearly can help scientists promote research projects, secure funding, and collaborate across disciplines and cultures. However, developing a message that resonates with people from unrelated groups might be difficult. This interactive session introduces tools and frameworks to facilitate information exchange and to create engaging conversations about what matters to scientists and society.

Choose your own adventure: Register for one, lunch plus a morning or afternoon session, or all three!

Event: Communication across borders (Co-Sponsored by SWAC, GPB, DSS, OPA)
When: 10:30a-11:30p
Where: MEJ 3112

Learning objectives:

By the end of the session, the participant will be able to:

·       Investigate the fundamental principles of clear communication by deconstructing communication process,

·       Learn how to connect to and engage with various audiences,

·       Develop self-awareness toward leveraging diverse perspectives to capitalize on your strengths,

·       Gain insight into creating a clear message that resonates with people regardless of their background.


Event: Leadership Luncheon: Interpersonal Skills for Scientists (Co-Sponsored by OPA)
When: MEJ 3112
Where: 12-1p

Join us for a conversation with our guest speaker, Dr. Irina Filonova. Wondering how to navigate communication barriers, how to be a professional that communicates clearly across contexts, and ways to develop your own conversation skills? Wondering how communication skills can impact your academic career progress and career transitions? Come chat with Dr. Filonova over a free lunch! (Co-sponsored by TIBBS and OPA)


Event: People Skills 101 - The Scientist Edition (Co-sponsored by OPA, GPB, SBBS, WinS, SACNAS, STEM Pride)
When: 2-3:30p
Where: Marsico 5004

Learning objectives:

By the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

·       Understand the foundational skills needed for successful interpersonal interactions,

·       Identify assumptions, beliefs and/or blind spots that might undermine relationship building,

·       Use a cross-cultural lens to effectively understand interpersonal interactions,

·       Practice essential skills to increase your influence and effectiveness.