Event Details
Event Title Lunch, Craft, Learn: CFE-BeAM Wellness Break
Location BeAM Makerspace Classroom (Murray Hall, First Floor)
Sponsor Center for Faculty Excellence
Date/Time 05/02/2023 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Emily Boehm eboehm@email.unc.edu
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Making time for a mental health break can be challenging, but it's important to recharge every day. Research suggests that crafting, like knitting, contributes to well-being in adults and that some types of crafting, such as doodling, can help with learning and recall. To learn more about why this is the case and experience the benefits for yourself, join the CFE and the BeAM Makerspace Network on Tuesday, May 2 between 12:15 and 1:45 in the BeAM Makerspace Classroom on the 1st Floor of Murray Hall. Lunch will be provided during this informal, just-for-fun event. Activities include a brief introduction to the role of creativity in learning and tips for some new activities to try with your students, followed by casual conversation and crafting. Bring your own craft project or relax with a simple drawing activity provided by BeAM.
UNC - Chapel Hill