Use this event registration system to register for upcoming conferences, classes, workshops, seminars, and other training activities sponsored by various departments and offices at UNC-Chapel Hill.
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To Inquire about becomming an Admin of your own events, contact Lori Saddler at
The Graduate School Center 211A West Cameron Ave Chapell Hill, NC 27599
The Graduate School
- UNC LGBT Center
5:00 PM
- 6:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator:
Kimberli Kuecker
Sorry, This event has expired
Join QGAPS (Queer Graduate & Professional Students) for a professional development and heart-to-heart session with Jhon Cimmino, EOC Report & Response Coordinator and trusted advocate for the queer community. Learn how to advocate for your rights in academia and report discrimination, harassment, violence, and stalking -- and explore available support and resources!
Though we will not be discussing individual cases, this is a space where sensitive topics may be discussed. Wheelchair-accessible venue. Snacks will be served!