Event Details
Event Title QGAPS Queer Wellness Tabletop Night
Location LGBTQ Center (385 Manning Dr. (3rd Floor), Chapel Hill, NC 27514)
Sponsor The Graduate School - LGBTQ Center
Date/Time 04/27/2023 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Karlie Kemper kkemper@unc.edu
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UNC Student Wellness and Queer Grad & Professional Students (QGAPS) are partnering to bring you this playful, cathartic, community-building experience! Join us for a night of queer creativity and get cozy at the LGBTQ Center’s famous purple couch. We’ll be playing a “Lasers & Feelings” hack where the stats are “Queer” and “Grad Student,” followed by a debrief on what it means to balance these parts of ourselves in our non-fictional and fictional lives. 

Snacks provided. Wheelchair-accessible venue. Registration will be capped at 8 people, so register today! New and experienced gamers are welcome!