Event Details
Event Title 2024 UNC Eye Symposium: Exhibitor Registration
Location The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education; 100 Friday Center Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Sponsor Ophthalmology
Date/Time 04/13/2024 8:00 AM - 4:35 PM
Event Price
Cutoff Date 04/12/2024 Must register before this date
For more information, contact the event administrator: Mary Hammett Mary_Hammett@med.unc.edu
Sorry, This event has expired
We are pleased to announce that the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has finalized plans for the 2024 UNC Eye Symposium. The symposium will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at the William & Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education in Chapel Hill, NC.

We are expecting between 175-225 ophthalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic technicians, and other health care professionals to attend this event. The symposium will provide the latest updates and insights in the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders including anterior segment, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, oculoplastics, and pediatric ophthalmology. Nationally recognized distinguished guest speakers will be presenting at the symposium, and we have also planned a technician continuing education session to run parallel to the main symposium.

We would like to offer to you an opportunity to exhibit at this event. The exhibit fee is $3,000. If approved, please make a check payable to UNC Department of Ophthalmology. Our Federal Tax ID number is 56-6001393. UNC is a not-for-profit organization 501(c)(3). The School of Medicine of The University of North Carolina is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The presence of exhibitors at continuing education activities sponsored by The School of Medicine of The University of North Carolina can contribute to an overall positive educational experience for course participants. 

Exhibitor Policy: Exhibitors may attend course educational sessions but must at all times refrain from soliciting sales and/or other business. The UNC Department of Ophthalmology will provide exhibitor services such as company name tents (if needed) and arrangements conducive to exhibit viewing. The UNC School of Medicine adheres to the UNC Policy on Integrity and Independence, including all of the provisions of the ACCME Standards. The distribution of drugs and other samples is not permitted.

Exhibitor Compensation:
1. One table with two chairs.
2. No more than 2 reps at a table at a time.
3. Acknowledgment to the participants of your support. 

Mailing Address:
UNC Department of Ophthalmology
Attn: Mary Hammett
5151 Bioinformatics Building, CB 7040
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

By registering for this event, you acknowledge that you have read the above exhibitor policy and agree to comply.