Event Details
Event Title Out in Academia: We're Here, We're Queer, Have No Fear with Jhon Cimmino
Location Graduate Student Center (211A W. Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, NC 27599)
Sponsor The Graduate School - LGBTQ Center
Date/Time 02/09/2023 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Karlie Kemper kkemper@unc.edu
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Join QGAPS (Queer Graduate & Professional Students) for a professional development and heart-to-heart session with Jhon Cimmino, EOC Report & Response Coordinator! Learn how to advocate for your rights in academia and report discrimination, harassment, violence, and stalking -- and explore available support and resources. Dinner provided (let us know your food preferences when you register)! 

Though we will not be discussing individual cases, this is a space where sensitive topics will be discussed. Please plan to care for yourself accordingly. Wheelchair-accessible venue.