Event Details
Event Title Dimensions of Wellness Workshop: Thriving & Coping with Multiple Stressors in Grad School
Location Graduate Student Center (211A W Cameron Ave, Chapel Hill, NC 27599)
Sponsor The Graduate School - LGBTQ Center - Student Wellness
Date/Time 11/07/2022 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Karlie Kemper kkemper@unc.edu
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The LGBTQ Center and Student Wellness are collaborating to offer a workshop geared for LGBTIQIA+ identified graduate students, featuring guest speakers Danny DePuy (MSW) and Ari Thomas. This workshop aims to promote an understanding that wellness is a holistic idea that is fluid and ever-changing. The Dimensions of Wellness Workshop includes a personal reflection of our own wellness, building skillsets to cope with multiple stressors, and learning about available resources. The hope is to gain a deeper capacity for thriving during student life at UNC. Snacks and resources provided. We hope to see you there!