Event Details
Event Title Environmental Justice in Policy Making
Location Medical Biomolecular Research Building G-202
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS)
Date/Time 11/15/2022 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Rosa Cuppari rcuppari@live.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Elizabeth S. Biser NC DEQ Secretary
A'Jae Grisby Ms. Environmental Justice Coordinator, NC Conservation Network
Barbara Turpin Dr. Chair, Environmental Sciences and Engineering Department
Geoff Gisler Mr. Senior Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center
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Science and technology are constantly evolving, as is our knowledge of the environmental consequences of new technologies like batteries and plastics. In many cases, negative consequences disproportionately burden marginalized communities. North Carolina has a storied role in the history of environmental justice, beginning with opposition to siting waste facilities in a majority Black county. Today these challenges continue.

Our panelists will address topics at the intersection of environmental justice, policy making, and science. NC Dept. of Environmental Quality Secretary Biser is at the forefront of statewide policy, while Ms. A’Jae Grisby offers a grassroots perspective as Environmental Justice Coordinator for the NC Conservation Network. Dr. Barbara Turpin instead offers academic insights on scientists’ roles in policy making, and how can scientists use environmental justice to inform their research. Finally, Senior Attorney Mr. Geoff Gisler offers his perspective on advocacy at the federal level through his work at the Southern Environmental Law Center. Lunch is provided.