Event Details
Event Title Improving Data Management and Reproducibility Through LabArchives Electronic Research Notebooks
Location https://labarchives.zoom.us/j/84071948849?pwd=M2FEdGZCQUpYanB0Q0V6cEFpL0ZEZz09
Sponsor Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
Date/Time 10/14/2022 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Bridget Riordan briordan@unc.edu
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In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the functionality of LabArchives, a digital lab notebook software available, at no cost, to UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and students. Join the session to learn how LabArchives can easily be integrated into your research data management toolkit.

Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Andy Johns will kick-off the session by providing information on the software’s benefits to the research community and best practices for its use at Carolina.

LabArchives representatives will then cover the following topics:
– Notebook structure
– Audit trail, revisions history and version control
– Access controls
– Page signing and witnessing
– Creating templates and copying content
– Collaborating internally and externally

Zoom link: https://labarchives.zoom.us/j/84071948849?pwd=M2FEdGZCQUpYanB0Q0V6cEFpL0ZEZz09