Event Details
Event Title AAC Fellow Talk: Dr. April Manalang
Location Fox Auditorium, Carrington Hall
Sponsor Asian American Center
Date/Time 11/02/2022 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Marcus Donie donid@unc.edu
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What role has God and/or church played in coping with Anti-Asian hate and COVID among Filipina nurses who possess a faith commitment and worked on the front lines of the pandemic? Anti-Asian spiked 145% in 2020, during the height of the pandemic. Concomitantly, nearly 1/3rd of the COVID deaths were Filipina nurses. Dr. Manalang will explore the vital role of God and/or church among Filipino-American nurses who possess a faith commitment, in coping with the demands and grief of the pandemic; specifically, in her hometown of Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads, Virginia, where one of the largest Filipino-American communities in the Southeast resides.