Event Details
Event Title NC TraCS Biostatistics Seminar Series: Power analysis & sample size planning
Location Zoom
Sponsor NC TraCS (Translational and Clinical Sciences) Institute: NIH CTSA at UNC-CH
Date/Time 09/02/2022 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jennifer Scott jennifer_scott@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Jeff Laux, PhD Biostatistics Research Associate NC TraCS Institute
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This seminar will give more, and more varied, information about sample size planning than last year's introductory overview of power analysis. Although the presenter will provide a brief review of hypothesis testing and the basics of power at the beginning of the seminar, people who are wholly unaware of power analysis may find this seminar harder to follow. Emphasis will be given to different kinds of sample size estimation for different situations, the notion of effect size and how to estimate it, and some strategies to improve power. 


Jeff Laux, PhD
Biostatistics Research Associate
NC TraCS Institute

This event is being cross-promoted by the NC BERD Consortium, a collaboration of the CTSA-funded BERD cores at UNC-Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University, and Duke University.