Event Details
Event Title Standard Operating Procedure Information Session: Obtaining and Documenting Informed Consent from Adult Research Participants
Location Virtual
Sponsor Clinical Research Support Office
Date/Time 06/01/2022 - 06/02/2022
For more information, contact the event administrator: Catherine Barnes catherine_barnes@med.unc.edu
Sorry, This event has expired
Session Status Session Session Date Start Time End Time Cutoff
Expired SOP Information Session: Obtaining and Documenting Informed Consent from Adult Research Participants 06/01/2022 1:00 PM 2:00 PM none
Expired SOP Information Session: Obtaining and Documenting Informed Consent from Adult Research Participants 06/02/2022 2:00 PM 3:00 PM none
Please join the Clinical Research Support Office for an information session regarding School of Medicine SOP 401.1: Obtaining and Documenting Informed Consent from Adult Research Participants. This session will provide a general overview of the SOP, answer questions from the research community, and also demonstrate how to attest to the SOP in the SOM Profile and Training System (PaTS). 

Sessions will be held on June 1st from 1:00-2:00 PM, and on June 2nd from 2:00-3:00 PM. Similar information will be presented in both sessions, so choose the session that works best for your schedule. 

Zoom information will be provided to participants after registration.