Event Details
Event Title PARE Information Session
Location zoom meeting
Sponsor Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Date/Time 05/11/2022 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jennifer Pruitt pruittj@email.unc.edu
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Postdocs who plan on applying are encouraged to attend the information session led by Mark Heise, PhD, Chair of of the Postdoctoral Awards for Research Excellence Committee.

Each year, the Postdoctoral Awards for Research Excellence are given in recognition of the research promise demonstrated by individual postdoctoral scholars. The awards are open to postdoctoral scholars in all disciplines and are designed to assist postdoctoral scholars in their continued professional development by supporting the recipients in conference travel, purchasing books, lab materials, or engaging in other scholarly activities that directly enhance the individual's professional growth. Each recipient receives a monetary award of a $1,200.