Event Details
Event Title CBC Presents: Career Perspectives Seminar
Location ZOOM
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS) - Computational Biosciences Club (CBC)
Date/Time 05/03/2022 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Beka Layton rlayton@med.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Kathie Sun, Ph.D. Associate Scientist - Bioinformatics at the Regeneron Genetics Center
Spencer Nystrom, PhD Data Scientist - Locus Biosciences, Inc.
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CBC Presents: Career Perspectives Seminar

Join us on May 3rd at 3:30 pm as the Computational Biosciences Club presents its last Career Perspectives Seminar of the semester! The speakers of this event will be:

Kathie Sun, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist - Bioinformatics at the Regeneron Genetics Center

Spencer Nystrom, Ph.D.
Data Scientist, Locus Biosciences, Inc.

The seminars will consist of two 30-minute talks from Dr. Sun and Dr. Nystrom followed by another 30-minute follow-up Q&A session. Our speakers will discuss their career path, how they have applied what they studied and learned during their PhD, and general career advice. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Hope to see you there!