Event Title | Reflections from COP 26 |
Location | https://unc.zoom.us/j/99235732466?pwd=QmFONER2Zkl6SDlZcVRBV243cDI2QT09 |
Sponsor | Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS) |
Date/Time | 01/14/2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM |
Name | Title | |
Dr. Angela Hsu | Assistant Professor | Angel Hsu is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and the Environment, Ecology and Energy Program (E3P). She is also Founder and Director of the Data-Driven EnviroLab, an interdisciplinary research group that innovates and applies quantitative approaches to pressing environmental issues. Her research explores the intersection of science and policy and the use of data-driven approaches to understand environmental sustainability, particularly in the areas of climate change and energy, urbanization and air quality. Her research projects apply large-scale datasets derived from satellite remote sensing and other spatially-explicit sources to evaluate environmental policy performance. |