Event Details
Event Title Write-Minded Women: The Scientific, Poetic, and Philosophical Writing of Women in Renaissance England
Location via Zoom
Sponsor World View
Date/Time 03/08/2022 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Event Price
For more information, contact the event administrator: Daniel McNeal mndaniel@unc.edu
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On March 8th, we will mark International Women’s Day with an online program on women in Renaissance England. The program will explore the exciting contributions of early modern women to scientific thinking and literature and will investigate recent research on women of color in England and Irishwomen as part of a larger discussion of historiography, gender, and identity. The program is designed to bring the archives alive and help middle school, high school, and community college bring these women’s stories into their classrooms.

UNC is committed to a welcoming, accessible experience. We will be using automatic live captions for this event. If you need other accommodations to join and participate in this event, please send an email to ccps@unc.edu.