Event Details
Event Title Creating Synergy in a Multi-Generation Workforce: Team Development and Management
Location Zoom
Sponsor Department of Genetics
Date/Time 11/15/2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sarah Schoenrock sarah_schoenrock@med.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Daisha Gaines Organizational Development Consultant, Office of Human Resources, UNC Chapel Hill
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The Department of Genetics and Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) are starting a new series of workshops focused on Research Development. The workshops will focus on three themes: Research Program Development, Project Management, and Research Administration. These workshops are relevant to staff involved in project management, trainees, and faculty. This is the first in the series of workshops and is relevant to anyone involved in team science including: faculty, postdocs, graduate students, research technicians, undergraduates, core facility directors, project managers and research administrators.

"Creating Synergy in a Multi-Generation Workforce: Team Development and Management"
Hosted by Daisha Gaines from the Office of Human Resources, Organization & Professional Development 

In this virtual seminar, the following topics will be covered: