Event Details
Event Title In-Person: IME Writing Wednesday Fall 2021
Location Graduate Student Center, 211A West Cameron Ave
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 11/17/2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Yesenia Pedro Vicente yesipv@live.unc.edu
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Join IME for a time to write and produce! Everyone is welcome, no matter what stage you are at in your graduate studies. We invite you to engage virtually with your peers. 

We will be hosting Writing Wednesday VIRTUALLY every other Wednesday this semester. Registration is NOT required. 



9:00 am – Good morning and share goals for VWW

9:15 am – Begin writing mode *those who log on after 9:15 will be muted as not to interrupt those writing
12:00 pm – Wrap up + report out on goals

12:15 pm – Log off