Event Details
Event Title In-Person: IME Writing Wednesday Fall 2021
Location Graduate Student Center, 211A West Cameron Ave
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 10/27/2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Yesenia Pedro Vicente yesipv@live.unc.edu
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9:00am – 12:00pm WRITING SPACE: Join us in this space every Wednesday.

A quiet space & time to focus on writing. Plus, your peers will be here to keep you focused and productive.

**Join us in this creative, peer environment and form a productive habit**

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. If we do not meet a minimum number of registrants, we will cancel the event.

In accordance with UNC's Community Standards, all attendees must wear a face mask while inside the GSC.