Event Details
Event Title Gillings Student Success Seminar - Fall 2021
Location Virtual / Zoom
Sponsor UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health - Gillings Student Affairs
Date/Time 09/23/2021 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Natiaya Neal nneal@email.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Dr. Kristin Black Gillings Alumni Association Vice Chair and Assistant Professor College of Health and Human Performance Department of Health Education and Promotion East Carolina University
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UNC Gillings Student Success Seminars focus on empowering all of our students to succeed in navigating the university environment.  We plan the seminars with the overall goal of equipping students to achieve their academic and personal goals by offering sessions geared toward enhanced learning (e.g. research talks), sessions on interpersonal development, personal responsibility, professional development, leadership, and more.

Seminars are specifically for current, matriculating students in both the undergraduate and graduate programs in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. 

On September 23rd at 5:00pm - Gillings alumna, Dr. Kristin Black will present on the topic: Be Proactive Rather than Reactive and Conquer Your Semester

Please register to receive the webinar link. 

For questions about this seminar or other student success events, please contact Natiaya Neal, Events Manager for Student Affairs at msneal@unc.edu.