Event Details
Event Title Rising Star Program's Virtual Webinar: Panel on Delivering an Effective Job Talk and Chalk Talk with School of Medicine Department Chairs
Location Zoom
Sponsor Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Date/Time 08/24/2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Darian Blakey drblakey@ad.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Dr. Kathleen Caron Program Director
Dr. Henrik Dohlman Program Director
Dr. Fernando Pardo-Manuel Villena Program Director
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The UNC SOM Rising Star Program's main goal is to increase diversity among faculty members in the basic sciences, with a specific focus on groups historically minoritized in the basic sciencesThe program seeks to accomplish this by training postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups in the faculty interview process.
The mission behind this program is to:
  • Increase diversity across faculty positions in the basic sciences
  • Generate a pool of competitive applicants for UNC faculty positions
  • Engage UNC faculty in recruitment efforts and provide education to increase diversity and improve the interview experience of historically minoritized faculty candidates.
Join us as a panel of three Department Chairs from the UNC School of Medicine describe what they are looking for when attending Faculty Job Talks and Chalk Talks. There will be an opportunity to submit questions, which will allow attendees to get pointers on preparing effective Job and Chalk Talks.