Event Details
Event Title Introduction to the New Qualtrics Interface (Online)
Location Online (ZOOM)
Sponsor H.W. Odum Institute
Date/Time 08/30/2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Price
Cutoff Date 08/27/2021 Must register before this date
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jill Stevens jill_stevens@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Tyler Steelman Qualtrics Consultant, Odum Institute
Sorry, This event has expired

This training will cover the new Qualtrics interface rolled out in Spring 2021. Qualtrics is a web-based survey system used to develop and conduct online surveys. Users will be guided through the new interface to showcase where features have been moved, how old features are now implemented, and a demonstration of new features added in the latest update. Users with a prior knowledge of Qualtrics will find this course most useful. For those who would are interested in a course that focuses on survey creation, customization, distribution, or other advanced features, see the Odum Short Course list for future Qualtrics trainings. We will NOT cover the analysis or reporting tools of Qualtrics.

Registration Fees:
– UNC-CH Students – $15
– UNC-CH Faculty/Staff/Postdoc – $40
– Non UNC-CH – $40