Event Details
Event Title ISP Spring Seminar Series: New Methods for Oversampling Gender and Sexual Minorities
Location zoom
Sponsor NC TraCS (Translational and Clinical Sciences) Institute: NIH CTSA at UNC-CH
Date/Time 03/18/2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Michelle Maclay Herndon maclay@med.unc.edu
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Robert Agans, PhD researches new methods to produce cost-effective population-based estimates for gender and sexual minorities. In this seminar, Agans will highlight recent findings using a new technique developed at UNC, including some health disparity data between transgender and cisgender people.

The Inclusive Science Program (ISP) focuses on increasing the inclusion of populations that have been historically underrepresented in clinical and translational research. The ISP Spring Seminar Series highlights research with a focus on diverse representation.