Event Details
Event Title BU/Duke/UNC First-Generation Graduate Students Symposium: For Duke Students
Location Zoom online meeting
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 02/26/2021 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Yesenia Pedro Vicente yesipv@live.unc.edu
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BU/Duke/UNC 4th Annual First-Generation Graduate Student Symposium Honoring Our First-Gen 1dentity
Friday, February 26, 2021
2:00-6:00pm (EST)
Via Zoom


2-2:10pm: Welcome

2:10-3pm: Keynote Facilitator & Student Facilitators sharing first-gen stories

3-3:10pm: Break

3:10-4pm: Breakout Session 1: First-gen Grad Student Experience and Communicating with family and friends at home

4-4:10pm: Break

4:10-5pm: Breakout Session 2: Doctoral and Post-Doc Job Search, Master's Job Search, Establishing your Brand and Networking 

5:10-6pm: Plenary Session & Closing