Event Details
Event Title Equity Consideration for Scholars: Taking a Critical Approach to Research (ONLINE)
Location Online (ZOOM)
Sponsor H.W. Odum Institute
Date/Time 11/10/2020 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Event Price
Cutoff Date 11/07/2020 Must register before this date
For more information, contact the event administrator: Jill Stevens jill_stevens@unc.edu
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This course will be offered via ZOOM only.
In the face of increasing awareness of the need to capture the diversity of human experience, there has also been increasing concern to study and describe populations from a critical and equitable perspective. As science is itself a cultural practice, and knowledge production can perpetuate social inequalities prevalent in social systems, many times, as scholars we may perpetuate inequity through our language use, methods, theories, and findings. During this workshop we will discuss the following with implications for our practice as scholars:1. How to refer to others and be critical and thoughtful of our language use (terms and generalizations) 2.  How to question what is being said and what is left unsaid (e.g. mitigating discursive erasures).3. How to  recognize and refer to the possible limitations of our scholarship (e.g. issues of generalizability, cultural elements in our findings).