Event Details
Event Title Virtual Global Grads-Communicating with Future Employers Part 1: The Interview
Location Zoom
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 09/11/2020 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Ekiuwa Imariagbe ekiuwa@live.unc.edu
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Global Grads workshops focus on support for international graduate and professional students. This three part session will allow you to gain knowledge and practice in communicating with potential employers. Part I will focus on different types of interviews and how to prepare answers using the STAR method. Part II will focus on professional interactions at career fairs. Part III will focus on networking in more social situations in professional environments.

Part I will focus on the interview

Part II will focus on interacting with potential employers in career fair settings. Participants will learn:

Part III will focus on networking as a technique for building relationships in social encounters within professional environments. Participants will learn: