Event Details
Event Title Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for Community Support Teams (CST)
Location Webinar
Sponsor Psychiatry - Psychiatry
Date/Time 08/17/2020 - 08/19/2020 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Event Price
For more information, contact the event administrator: Stacy Smith stacy_smith@med.unc.edu
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In partnership with Peer Voice NC, UNC Institute for Best Practices is offering a three-day training on PSH for CST teams, following an adaptation of the original curriculum developed by TAC.

This 15 hour web-based training is on the evidence-based model for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH).

Training days will be held August 17, 18, 19, 2020.  The webinar will start at 9am and end by 4pm.  There will be two substantial breaks each day - from 11-11:30am and then again 12:30-2pm each day.

With the policy change, CST providers are to provide ongoing, tenancy support services. This training will support CST providers by improving their understanding and practice of the PSH model. The training will include:

· Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery

· PSH core principles

· Foundation Skills of evidence-based practices

· Benefits that individuals experience using PSH

· The three phases of tenancy (including key activities, assessments, goal development, barriers, and challenges)

· Intersection of PSH and Assessment and Person-centered Planning

Registration is $200 per attendee.  We offer a "buy 4, get 1 free" offer to agencies.  Each registration needs to be separate entry.