Event Details
Event Title REDCap Hands-On Form Building Training Session
Location Webinar
Sponsor NC TraCS (Translational and Clinical Sciences) Institute: NIH CTSA at UNC-CH
Date/Time 07/08/2020 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Daniel Nuttall daniel_nuttall@med.unc.edu
Sorry, This event has expired

REDCap is a web-based data collection tool that is hosted by TraCS.  It's designed to be a user-friendly, do-it-yourself tool.  We've had a lot of success with it over the years.  It's good for many research studies, including prospective, retrospective, pilot studies, as well as for registries and Quality Improvement projects.


TraCS will be hosting free training to assist users in getting started with building REDCap data collection forms for their research projects.  The two hour class will be held twice per month in room 219, Brinkhous-Bullitt.  Clarence Potter will be the instructor.  Clarence has been managing the TraCS REDCap service since it's inception about 8 years ago.  Classes will also be available remotely, via Skype/Lynx.

Additional resources available on project-redcap.org.

When you are satisfied that you want to use REDCap, then provide the basic information for your new project using the form https://goo.gl/CLewgp.

If you have additional questions, please email Clarence, cpotter@med.unc.edu.


As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop in North Carolina and around the world, we will be following the university's lead and adjusting our event scheduling as needed. We have decided to make this event exclusively a webinar. Please stay tuned for any updates regarding possible rescheduling.

Thank you again for your interest in this TraCS event. Please visit UNC-Chapel Hill's dedicated coronavirus updates webpage for Carolina's most recent announcements regarding the COVID-19 situation.