Event Details
Event Title OSR Research Administration Forum and Training session (RAFTs) - Second Session
Location Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
Sponsor Office of Sponsored Programs
Date/Time 10/29/2019 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Amanda Chang ahc@med.unc.edu
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SAVE THE DATE for the inaugural OSR RAFTs

Tuesday, October 29, 2019
10:30 - 11:45 AM 

Toy Lounge, Dey Hall

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) is excited to announce a new training series called OSR RAFTs, representing Research Administration Forum and Training sessions.

What are RAFTs?

RAFTs provide in-person training and networking opportunities for the campus research community. Presenters may be from OSR and/or the Sponsored Programs Office, Central Office Administrators, Department Administrators, and/or any combination. The goal is to provide in-person training and discussions on relevant topics in research administration and sponsored projects management.

RAFTs will occur on a triannual basis, are open to all, and while registrations are not required for attendance, RSVP's will be requested in order to ensure rooms with the appropriate capacity are reserved. 

Some of the initial topics will focus on:

Fall Session: two sessions covering same topic/discussion

     1st Session: Wednesday, October 23 | 3:15 - 4:30 PM | Bioinformatics 1131

     2nd Session: Tuesday, October 29 | 10:30 - 11:45 AM | Toy Lounge, Dey Hall

Winter Session: Date to be announced 

Spring Session: Date and Topics to be announced 

Format of RAFTs

The format will allow time for presenters to speak/train on a specific topic or process and then open into a forum for discussion from the audience participants. Open discussions and dialogue will be encouraged and an opportunity for submitting questions beforehand will be provided with RSVPs

Stay Informed on RAFTs and Other OSR Training

As RAFTs become available, communications will be sent to the OSR Mailing List (res_info@listserv.unc.edu) with session details and an RSVP link. Subscribe to the OSR Mailing List by clicking here. You may also find updated RAFTs and other training opportunities on the OSR Training webpage.

If you have questions, suggestions for topics, and/or are interested in partnering with OSR in presenting at a RAFTs, please reach out to OSRCommunications@unc.edu.