Event Details
Event Title MURAL Lecture Series - Cajas y conversaciones: Challenges and Opportunities in Engaging Farmworkers with Type II Diabetes
Location Brinkhous-Bullitt, Room 219
Sponsor NC TraCS (Translational and Clinical Sciences) Institute: NIH CTSA at UNC-CH
Date/Time 10/29/2019 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Daniel Nuttall daniel_nuttall@med.unc.edu
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Starting in the summer of 2018, health outreach workers in Benson, NC delivered weekly boxes of produce (or "cajas" in Spanish) to migrant and seasonal farmworkers with type II diabetes with the goal of improving health outcomes. Inspired by this program, Emily and Andrew partnered, in the summer of 2019, with outreach workers in delivering produce boxes and diabetes education to farmworkers while also seeking to learn about the needs and available services for farmworkers with diabetes. Dr. Villa-Torres served as their mentor for this program.  With support from the UNC Center for Health Equity Research, they explored these topics through community-based research, engaging farmworkers and stakeholders. Emily, Andrew, and Laura will be presenting about our experiences and lessons learned in carrying out a research project with a unique modality and population.

Presented by:

Emily Kathryn Aarons
Andrew Kenneth Marburg
Second Year Medicine Students
Laura Villa Torres, PhD, MSPH
Center for Health Equity Research Fellow
UNC School of Medicine