Event Details
Event Title CGSF: Resiliency, Imposter Syndrome and Optimism Workshop
Location Graduate Student Center, 211A West Cameron Ave
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 10/02/2019 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Yesenia Pedro Vicente yesipv@live.unc.edu
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This workshop is a collaboration between Carolina F1RSTS and Carolina Grad Student F1RSTS.   

This workshop will unmask approaches and tools that first-gen college and first-gen graduate students can implement immediately to help overcome unique challenges they face, especially early in their degree matriculation process. Participants will learn evidence-based strategies to develop a growth mindset, reduce ANTs, minimize imposter fears, increase optimism and ways to use feedback constructively. The workshop will actively engage participants in opportunities for self-reflection, sharing, and creating plans for self-improvement to increase success holistically.