Event Details
Event Title ITCMS Mouse Pathology Workshop
Location Marsico 3004
Sponsor UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Date/Time 06/11/2019 1:00 PM - 12:00 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Cindy Hoffmeier cindy_hoffmeier@unc.edu
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This course is designed for LCCC Training Grant Fellows and is led by Dr. Stephanie Montgomery, a board-certified veterinary pathologist and Faculty Director of the Animal Histopathology and Laboratory Medicine Core.  Topics covered include best practices for necropsy techniques, tissue sampling & preservation, and tissue immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence. Emphasis is placed on ensuring rigor & reproducibility in pathology.  Participants may bring digital slides for analysis & discussion; if desired, please indicate that you will have digital slides for discussion at time of registration.  There is an interactive activity that involves food, so please let us know if you have a nut or other allergy.