Event Details
Event Title Engaging Communities in Research Partnerships: Tips and Tools for Success
Location Brinkhous-Bullitt Room 219
Sponsor NC TraCS (Translational and Clinical Sciences) Institute: NIH CTSA at UNC-CH
Date/Time 06/19/2019 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Michelle Maclay Herndon maclay@med.unc.edu
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The NC TraCS Institute Community and Stakeholder Engagement (CaSE) Program works to promote and support community-engaged approaches to clinical and translational research and build capacity for researchers and communities to engage in academic-community partnerships.  

During this seminar, members of the CaSE Program and the NC TraCS Stakeholder Network will discuss ways to build and strengthen academic-research partnerships to ensure bi-directional communication and stakeholder input from research conceptualization through dissemination.

We will also discuss how community engaged research is relevant to local communities and different tools that researchers can use to interact with the community. Through this seminar we hope you will learn how to identify and initiate research conversations with the community, tools to conduct effective community engaged research, and how community engagement can accomplish collective goals.

Join us for information, to provide ideas and suggestions.  See you there!

Zoom Link: http://www.unccn.org/engagingcommunities